Friday, January 4, 2013

a year in review: 2012

This post is coming a few days late, I know.
But better late than never, right?
I've loved reading about all of the things you fellow bloggers have accomplished over the last year, so I just couldn't resist doing a post of my own about it.
Mostly because I feel like, thus far, 2012 has been one of my biggest years.
Lots of life changing events occurred.
Not to mention, lots of traveling and happy times with friends.

And I'll go ahead and warn you, this is a picture heavy post.

Lets take a look back.

Spent my last spring break on a roadtrip - first stop: Orlando...
second stop: Jacksonville...
Last stop: Savannah for St. Patty's day
puppy graduated from obedience school
finished my first 5k
graduated from college
celebrated said graduation in Mexico
went to Brew at the Zoo for the 2nd year in a row
had a 4th of July mini-vacation in New Orleans with Joe and tried my first beignet!
took the pup on his first boat ride
celebrated turning 25 at a cabin with my closest friends
There are so many other great memories missing from this list, but these are just a few of my favorites.
2012, you were really good to me.
I think it's safe to say 2013 has some big shoes to fill.

Things I'd like to accomplish this year include:
- get back in the gym and use the membership I've been paying for
- experiment more in my cooking
- plan another trip out of the U.S.
- teach my dog to stop begging for food {so annoying!!}
- find ways to make cleaning fun so I won't dread it as much

These may not be much, but what's a resolution for if it's not something you have confidence you can keep?

Here's to a happy and healthy new year for us all.

Cheers, friends!

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