Tuesday, January 15, 2013

blue tuesday

Have you guys ever heard of Blue Monday?

Well, if there was ever such a thing as Blue Tuesday, today would be it.
I can't even begin to tell you how bad I wish I was back in bed right now sleeping off this horrible morning.

Enter: my back driver's side tire.

Wonderful way to start off your morning, let me tell you.
Not to mention, it happened on a day I absolutely had to be at work on time.

So before my head explodes from frustration, let's reminisce about better times (like this past weekend).

To start, Joe and I did the Hot Chocolate 5/15K along with 18,998 of our closest friends.
Just kidding.
We only knew each other.
But it was a lot of fun getting to run through the streets of Atlanta past some major landmarks, like the Olympic rings!
The best part by far though was...

...the finisher's mug.
Complete with the best hot chocolate and chocolate fondue I've ever had.

Joe was pretty pumped about it too.

picture via
Post-race, I took two naps and then decided to treat myself to a movie and a frappuccino.

Can we take a moment to just bask in the glory that is Les Miserables?
I don't think I have ever cried that much during a movie.
And Anne Hathaway getting her hair chopped off mid-scene?


If I was a movie critic, I'd give Les Mis, and Hugh Jackman in particular, the best rating I could possibly give.
Which is probably why lots of Golden Globes were sent their way.
Honestly though, it was incredible.
Go see it.
Right now.

But before you run out the door, here's a sneak peek of the shirt I'll be wearing to the Bieber concert next week (NEXT WEEK!!)...

Too much?


  1. I am drooling over that hot chocolate tray. Looks so yummy! Still haven't seen Les Mis, but hope to see it this weekend maybe?! Can't believe I have waited this long.... I've heard only good things!

    1. Do it!! I hardly ever go to the movies, but after all the good reviews I was determined! Go see it and report back with your thoughts!

  2. I wanted to do that run!! SO jealous! Oh and I'm going blog crazy and have a new one about food&fitness.. follow me :)


  3. Oh and I'm 100% jealous you & kayla are going to Bieber! I'm trying to win tickets from the Bert Show and they're giving away one spot to be the "one less lonely girl" *swoon* It's sad I'm 24 pretending to be 16 haha

    1. I heard about that contest on the Bert Show and I'm dying to win it! Could you imagine?! My 25 year old heart would probably explode haha not gonna lie.
